Friday, February 27, 2009


I learnt a lot throughout these few months. I learnt not to be selfish and think maturely. Put it in this way, loving someone doesn't mean you have to have that someone physically. As long that person is happy, it's sufficient. But human are just human, we're selfish, we want more. However, LOVE is one of the toughest chapter in the book of life. You need to give it some time, days, months or maybe years. If it's yours, one day it will be. It's just a matter of time. Just don't let the noise of others drown you down, have the courage to search what's in your heart and follow your intuitions. If your heart calls you to wait, then wait, don't have to rush. If you guys are meant to be together, nothing will stop you! Be patient, have faith and be strong.

As for now, I pray for you every day, hope you can run your job smoothly, hope everything goes fine and in control. I really really want you to be happy. When you're happy, I'm done! At least now we can still meet each other, can chat like normal friend does. After knowing you can continue with your life happily, I felt very pleased, I had made a good moved, a very very good moved. As long can see your smile, no matter how much I have to sacrifice, I'm willing to. Not expecting anything much, not hoping we can be back together, not hoping you to remember our past, just hope that you can live happily, smile every day, live life to the fullest!

will be there for you whenever you need me

Monday, February 23, 2009


" Believe is a Passion to succeed "

  1. Do not fear failure
  2. Take responsibility
  3. Co-operative
  4. Encourage others
  5. Plan of Action
  6. Set goals
  7. Participates
  8. Do not procrastinate
  9. Always follow up
  10. Never prejudge a prospect
  11. Accept criticisms
  12. Do not dwell on problem, look for solution
  13. Be happy on the success of others
  14. Not selfish
  15. Sees the good in everything
  16. Have abundance of patience
  17. No room for discouragement


IT'S UP TO YOU to race with destiny !!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Celebrate Life and be Thankful !

" LIFE is a DEFINITE 10 "

  1. Fill your life with JOY !
  2. Bring the right attitude.
  3. Reach for inner discipline and balance.
  4. Make yourself happy !
  5. Be confident.
  6. Squeeze what you can out of life.
  7. Seek the truth.
  8. Be content, live within your means.
  9. Touch others.
  10. Find miracles every day.

NO happiness in having or in getting but ONLY in giving !!!

JOY is a blessing, but it is often a conquest. All this is transitory, it leaves no permanent mark and one day we will look back with pride and faith at the journey we have taken !

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Be your own BEST FRIEND

" Self- esteem is Essential for Psychological Survival "

Promblems with low self- esteem?
Here is what NOT to do :
--> DON' T criticie or judge yourself
--> DON' T try to please everybody all the time
--> DON' T neglect yourself
--> DON' T compare yourself with others. Aim to be the bast version of yourself, not to be someone else
Common errors that can distort your way of thinking
1. Over generalization
2. Global labeling
3. Filtering
4. Polarized thinking
5. Self- blame
6. Personalization
7. Mind reading
8. Control fallacies
9. Emotional reasoning
The TOP secret to stop your inner critic from controlling you world
a) Nurture yourself
b) Take care of your health
c) Accept and love- parts of you that cannot change
d) Make sure you do things that you enjoy
e) Reward yourself after completing a difficult task or making a breakthrough
f) Get help when you need it
g) Ask for a hug when you need one
happy- go- lucky

Wrong Timing

" What is destined to happen will happen "

Life is full of trails and tribulations. " not life but a good life is to be valued ". My tears finally dropped out off controlled. I thought I'm tough enough can just leave it aside and go lackadaisical, continue on with my life. And I was WRONG! Totally fully wrong! Although we haven't been together but mentally we were together before. Is hard to explain those feelings toward you. Age gap?! Generation gap?! Characters clash?! Can't our love overcomes these factors, can it? How about letting " LOVE " does it's part? I knew your answer ever since entering year 2009. Frankly I did wonder a lot, and usually the outcomes will be negative. YES! Finally I decided of letting go, but it seems......... reluctant back again. Really really don't know what to do now. Maybe there's just like rather than love? Are you just a passer-by or what?

" Life is not always a bed of roses ", will somehow take it easy. Really missed the moments when we were together. You taught me marching, we skate together, went Genting together, bbq together with mf, sing k together, movies together, duties together etc...... Remember merdeka eve that night? SWEET memories will be with me forever.

As for now, I wish you all the best and good luck in your future undertakings. One more thing, hope you can succeed in your am. business! Do take care of yourself. Whatever it is, will wait for the days to come........really, sincerely hoping......